Project Update

In 2021/22 we engaged with the community alongside JPE Design Studio on a masterplan for Josiah Mitton and Brompton Green Reserve in Brompton. The purpose of this engagement was to inform a masterplan to be used when considering possible, future improvements for these reserves if future funding became available. You can view the masterplan, as informed by the community, on this page.

We are pleased to share that a number of the suggested improvements in the Josiah Mitton & Brompton Green Reserve Masterplan align to work we have planned in upcoming financial years, subject to budget approval (June 2023 & June 2024).

  • 2023/24 Public Lighting Renewal

    The lighting renewal for the central, shared use path through Josiah Mitton and Brompton Green Reserve (as indicated on the Plan) is scheduled for completion in the 2023/24 financial year, subject to provisional budget approval.

    Designs for this project are currently underway.

  • 2024/25 Playground Renewal

    The renewal of the playground at Josiah Mitton Reserve, involving the replacement of existing play equipment that is no longer suitable, is currently planned for 2024/25. At this time, we will also consider:

    • A new nature play area and bike track.
    • A new BBQ and shelter.
    • Tree and vegetation planting.

    If provisional budget is allocated, we will consult with the community in the first half of 2024 about these improvements.

    The play and fitness equipment installed more recently will remain.

  • 2025/26 & Beyond

    Other improvements identified in the masterplan that we will continue to consider in future budget years include:

    • Provision for a potential, future community garden at Brompton Green Reserve.
    • Improved BBQ area at Brompton Green Reserve, and
    • Public art and infrastructure for future local events at Josiah Mitton Reserve.

Draft Masterplan for Josiah Mitton and Brompton Green Reserves

Click on the image to view and zoom, or view a print quality version by opening the PDF masterplan in the top left column of this page.

Image of draft masterplan for Josiah Mitton and Bromton Green Reserve