Project Update


We consulted with the local community to seek their views for the proposed traffic calming device and parking controls.

The responses and submissions received show that the majority support the installation of flat-top speed humps and the installation of yellow 'No Stopping' signs to improve road safety along Todville Street.

You can view a copy of the Community Engagement Summary under the Document Library or click here.

Construction is due to commence in early 2024.

Project Background

Todville Street in Woodville West is a collector road in our road hierarchy, carrying over 1,500 vehicles per day. A collector road provides a link between local and access streets and the arterial road networ. Driver speeds (in the section between Trimmer Parade and Minns Street East) are higher than desirable for the 40km/h area.

In line with our endorsed Road Safety Assessment Procedure, Todville Street warrants intervetion with traffic calming treatments.

FLAT-TOP ROAD HUMPS (Trimmer Parade to Minns Street East)

Flat-top road humps are being proposed for the section of Todville Street, between Trimmer Parade and Minns Street East.

Flat-top road humps are raised section of road to slow drivers. They are required to be evenly spaced along the road at approximately 80-120 metre intervals and located within 50 metres of the start of the road where possible. The proposed road humps are similar to the ones on Todville Street alongside the oval.

Advantages of Flat-top road humps

  • Slow drivers to approximately 20km/h over humps and 40km/h along the remainder of the street
  • May deter some non-local traffic from using the street
  • Relatively easy for bike riders to use
  • Cost effective and low maintenance
  • No loss of on-street parking (you can park over them)

Disadvantages of Flat-top road humps

  • Can be inconvenient for residents and emergency services accessing the street
  • Increase in noise at each hump, as well as acceleration/deceleration noise
  • Does not reduce hoon-driving behaviour (as for all traffic calming devices)
  • Can limit subdivision opportunities due to access in an out of driveways

PARKING CONTROLS (Todville Street and Henderson Street - alongside Frank Mitchell Park Oval)

During events at Frank Mitchell Park, Todville Street experiences a lot of parking demand, with cars being parked on both sides of the road. When these two factors combine, it can be difficult for drivers to give way to oncoming traffic.

This project proposes to install sections of 'No Stopping' yellow line on Todville Street and Henderson Street to provide passing opportunities for oncoming traffic and improve road safety at the intersection.

'No Stopping - During Events' signs cannot be installed as drivers cannot be expected to know the event schedule at the oval. Yellow lines, that apply at all times, will improve road safety at all times, particularly when the parking demand is high.

What are yellow No Stopping lines?

Under the Australian Road Rules, drivers cannot stop adjacent a yellow line for any reason (including to drop-off or pick up passengers)