In late September to mid-October 2022, we undertook community engagement to inform the community about a proposal to construct a new playground in Montgomery Reserve, understand if the community supported this idea or not, how they use the space, and potential playground features they might like to see. The community feedback received will inform one of aspect of Council’s decision making by considering the community sentiment for a playground on the reserve, as well as other opportunities identified by the community for the space.

While just over 70% of the contributors supported the new playground proposal, those who did not felt there were already a number of other playgrounds in close vicinity to Montgomery reserve and/or they enjoyed the existing open space of the reserve in its current state. Alternative suggestions for the space (other thana playground) were offered for Council’s consideration, and it was apparent many people enjoy the reserve for ball games, sports, and open activities.

We asked, "Would you like to see a new playground on Montgomery Reserve?"...

Toggle to see the overall response & local vs outer suburb response

Key themes from community feedback:

Key themes were drawn from your comments and feedback, and we grouped these into areas of sentiment. To view the comments in full, please refer to the document library to view, 'Public comments/feedback and staff response".
  • The playground is a great idea and/or was supported (15)

  • Comments were not supportive, or preference was to save the money or divert to other projects (12)

  • There are other playgrounds nearby (11)

  • Retain the trees and open space (7)

  • Concerns with antisocial behaviour, illegal activities, littering and/or traffic/congestion (7)

  • Equipment for younger children or a mix of ages to be included (6)

  • Suggestion for a different use of the reserve rather than a playground (5)

  • Request for seating, picnic spaces or other infrastructure such as fencing or hammocks (5)