St Clair Residential Development Plan Amendment (Privately Funded)


The City of Charles Sturt proposed changes to the Charles Sturt Council Development Plan via the St Clair Residential Draft Development Plan Amendment (draft DPA) (Privately Funded). The affected area by the draft DPA relateed to the existing Trident Plastics factory at 589-599 Torrens Road, St Clair (refer to the red shaded area on the plan to the right) .

The DPA sought to rezone the existing Urban Employment Zone in St Clair to a Residential Zone under the Woodville Medium Density Policy Area 21 (which is the zone for land directly to the east and south of the affected area) to facilitate medium density residential development consistent with the character and density of residential development within St Clair, while also providing vehicular, pedestrian and open space linkages throughout the locality.

The draft DPA investigations confirmed that the land is suited to residential infill and can be economically serviced. The investigations related to a range of matters including preferred building heights, a transport impact assessment, an environmental noise assessment, stormwater management, other infrastructure and public open space. The findings can be viewed in the draft DPA and are summarised in the 'Information Brochure' in the Document Library.

What were the key proposed changes?
  • Rezone the affected area from Urban Employment Zone to a Residential Zone, Woodville Medium Density Policy Area 21 to facilitate residential development.
  • Amendments to Woodville Medium Density Policy Area 21 including:
    • Desire for up to 3 storey-built form adjacent to Torrens Road within the affected area.
    • Desire for the future provision of an internal road network and vehicle access from Torrens Road to/from the affected area and for a secondary vehicle connection with existing roads to the east and south of the affected area.
    • Desire for safe and convenient pedestrian linkages with the surrounding locality.
  • Apply the ‘Noise and Air Emissions’ and ‘Affordable Housing’ overlays to the land.
  • Introduction of amended policy maps relevant to the area affected.
How can I view the draft DPA and Public Submissions?

During the consultation process, the following information was made available on the draft DPA:

Submissions were able to be lodged in one of three ways - online, email and post. Submissions had to be received by 5pm, Friday 11 September 2020.

A total of 22 submissions were received during the consultation process.

A public meeting to hear verbal submissions was held on Monday 21 September 2020 at 7.30pm at the City of Charles Sturt Civic Centre, 72 Woodville Road, Woodville.

After the Public Meeting Council considered all submissions and endorsed the final Draft DPA at the Council Meeting on Monday 23 November 2020. Refer to the Agenda for a copy of the report and appendices considered by the City Services Committee on Monday 16 November 2020 and Council on Monday 23 November 2020.

Approval of DPA

A report was sent from Council to the Minister for Planning seeking authorisation of the DPA in late 2020. The Minister approved and gazetted the St Clair Residential DPA on Thursday 14 January 2021. The new planning policies documented in the DPA will now be consolidated into the City of Charles Sturt Development Plan.

St Clair DPA Submission Form

If you wish to lodge an online written submission in relation to the St Clair Residential Draft DPA please complete this form.
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Do you wish to make a verbal submission at the Public Hearing to be held at 7.30pm on Monday 21 September 2020 at the Civic Centre, 72 Woodville Road, Woodville? Required

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.