Project Update (Parking Changes)

In June 2022 we asked for community feedback and views on the proposed parking arrangements in the precinct bounded by Hawker Street, East Street and Dayton Street. This was due to Council receiving many differing requests for parking controls and changes to parking restrictions in the area over the previous 12 months.

We thank all residents and businesses for their time and patience to date while we have been working through the feedback obtained in June 2022 to ensure the optimisation of parking in the precinct. We have now reviewed all the feedback from the consultation and can confirm the following outcomes.

Hawker Street

Parking Controls to be implemented:

  • Installation of 2hr parking restrictions between 9am and 5pm for the parking bay adjacent businesses at 18 and 65 Hawker Street.

Community and business feedback has been positive regarding the proposed parking restrictions described above. As a result, Council can confirm that it will proceed with implementing 2 Hour parking 9am-5pm on Hawker Street between 18 Hawker Street and 65 East Street. The intent of this parking change is to ensure that there is regular turnover and access to these spaces for customers to support the adjoining businesses.

East Street

  • No change to existing timed parking controls

Timed parking controls were previously installed on East Street at the Hawker Street road closure after receiving requests from local businesses for a better balance of all-day parking for nearby staff and ‘short term’ parking for visitors.

Based on the feedback during consultation we are not proposing to alter the recently implemented timed parking. We will continue to monitor the operation of these parking spaces, and should any further changes be proposed, we will consult with the local community in advance of any changes being made.

All other parking restrictions will remain in this section of East Street and continue to be policed/enforced in East Street.

Drayton Street

  • No change to current conditions in the street

No changes to parking controls in Drayton Street are proposed at this time due to the differing views of the local community and no clear preference being received. The consultation process however has shown that there is a growing need to develop a more holistic plan for Drayton Street now that some of the adjoining parcels of land are beginning to be developed.

It is therefore proposed to monitor the existing parking controls while we consider possible options for the future upgrade of the street (including improvements to on-street parking) to be actioned as the adjoining parcels of land are progressively developed.

Other considerations

We are also investigating making additional carparking available in East Street between Second Street and Third Street. We will consult with property and landowners in the near future regarding increasing carparking in this section of street.


Over the past 12 months we have had many differing requests for parking controls and changes to parking restrictions in the precinct bounded by East Street, Hawker Street and Drayton Street in Bowden.

We thank all residents and businesses for their time and patience to date as we try and work these matters through to ensure the optimisation of parking in the precinct. We have undertaken multiple rounds of consultation on proposed parking changes in each street throughout 2021. We have now reviewed all feedback from those rounds of consultation on individual requests. We aim to maximise the availability of parking within the precinct and also generate enough turnover of parking near the Drayton St/East St/Hawker St corner to support the adjacent retail activity.

A summary of the proposed changes to parking controls within the area is provided below. We are seeking feedback and comments from residents and businesses prior to a final decision being made on the proposed changes identified below.

We propose to implement the following parking control changes;

Drayton Street

Requests for parking control changes were received via residents in Drayton Street in April 2021 due to ongoing concerns of vehicles parking in a manner which obstructs through traffic. This is an issue that has been raised with Council staff on several occasions and despite regular enforcement we have not been able to resolve this activity. As a result, staff commenced consultation on a parking control option which seeks to ensure that vehicles are parking in accordance with Australian Road Rules requirements while maximising the availability of parking and respecting existing property access requirements.

Parking Controls to be implemented;

Convert existing time limited “No Parking controls” on western side of street to No Stopping at all times (yellow lines).

This means there will be no parking at all times on the western side of Drayton St from Second Street up to Eleventh Street. Parking will be permitted on the eastern side (7 spaces) and 1 carpark will remain on the Western side at the front of No. 96 outside of business hours (9am-5pm). The image below shows the indicative parking areas in green.

East Street

Parking Controls proposed to be implemented;

Convert existing time limited Parking controls at the end of East Street (adjacent Hawker Street) to all day parking for two parking spaces and remove the parking space adjacent the road closure.

We have received requests from local businesses that the existing unrestricted parking in East Street, adjacent Hawker Street be converted to 2 Hour parking to provide a better balance of all-day parking for nearby staff and ‘short term’ parking for visitors.

This change was implemented. However, upon review it was found that promoting turnover of parking near the Hawker Street corner was resulting in increased road safety concerns due to vehicles undertaking more regular turning and reversing manoeuvres near the corner while entering and exiting these parking spaces.

As a result, it is proposed to reinstate the all-day parking at this location and remove carparking from the end parking space near the road closure as vehicles are not able to exit from this space in a safe manner.

All other parking restrictions would remain and continue to be policed/enforced in East Street. The image below shows the proposed changes in East St.

Hawker Street

Parking Controls proposed to be implemented;

Installation of 2hr parking restrictions between 9am and 5pm for the parking bay adjacent businesses at 18 and 65 Hawker Street.

A concern has also been raised with staff that the parking spaces on Hawker Street adjacent businesses at 18 and 65 Hawker Street are primarily being occupied by long term parkers. There is a desire to increase the turnover of these spaces to support the nearby retail activity.

As a result, it is proposed to implement 2 Hour parking 9am-5pm on Hawker Street between 18 Hawker Street and 65 East Street.

The image below shows the spaces proposed for conversion to 2 Hour parking 9am-5pm.

Community Feedback & Next Steps

We would like to understand your views on the parking matters listed above, to allow us to confirm the parking arrangements in the precinct.

To provide your feedback on the proposed parking changes Take the Survey.

Consultation closes Monday 20 June

Once all feedback has been received and reviewed by staff, we hope that we are able to identify a clear path forward and implement the proposed parking changes. Should the community remain divided on the matter we may be required to submit a report to a future meeting of the Asset Management Committee of Council for their consideration and direction.