What is Living Green?
Living Green is an environmental plan that describes how Council will approach environmental issues, in partnership with our community to 2020. The City of Charles Sturt developed Living Green in 2013/14 based on community, staff and stakeholder input.

Our Living Green Refresh

Council staff have recently reviewed Living Green and have created an updated plan called ‘Living Green to 2020 Refresh’. Most of the original Living Green document is still current and has been retained, with the Living Green Refresh reflecting progress and changes that have occurred since the original plan was developed.

Some of the things that have been achieved since Living Green was developed include starting to change over our street lights to more efficient LEDs and mapping our tree canopy cover to understand how we can increase greening and cooling in the area.

Finalised Living Green to 2020 Refresh - following Community Engagement

Council endorsed the Living Green to 2020 Refresh (Item 6.114) at the Council meeting on 22 October 2018. The Council report, including the engagement report can be viewed here: http://www.charlessturt.sa.gov.au/CouncilAgendas&Minutes

The Living Green to 2020 Refresh will guide Council’s approach to environmental issues to 2020, in partnership with our community. It includes actions under the themes of Our Community, Our Liveability, Our Environment, Our Economy and Our Leadership.

See the summary of what you told us and the finalised finalised Living Green Refresh..

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